There’s nothing quite like having a playful pup in the house to bring some joy and love into our lives. But there’s one thing that can quickly take your furry beloved from happy-go-lucky to “hazy, confused, and spacy”: being stoned on marijuana.

Unfortunately, it happens more than you think whether playing around outdoors or eating something they shouldn’t have, it’s not uncommon for our pups to accidentally ingest cannabis at one time or another. If this is the case with your pooch, fret not: here, we’re going to walk you through how to get a dog unstoned safely right at home!

Suppose you suspect your dog has ingested marijuana. In that case, it’s essential to remember that while the experience can be distressing for both the pet and the owner, marijuana toxicity in dogs is generally not fatal. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to handle the situation:

Step By Step Guide:

Evaluate The Situation:

Determine how much and what type of marijuana product the dog ingested. Was it a small amount of plant material, a potent edible, or perhaps a product containing additional ingredients like chocolate?

Stay Calm:

Your dog will pick up on your emotions. Maintain a calm demeanor to prevent further stressing the dog.

Contact Your Veterinarian:

Always consult with your vet or an emergency vet clinic when you suspect your dog has ingested marijuana. They can provide guidance based on the specifics of the situation.

Ensure Safety:

Place your dog in a safe, quiet space where they can’t hurt themselves. Remove any obstacles they might stumble over.

Offer Fresh Water:

Ensure your dog has access to fresh water to keep them hydrated. However, do not force them to drink, as this could lead to aspiration.

Do Not Induce Vomiting:

It’s generally not recommended to induce vomiting unless explicitly directed by a veterinarian.

Monitor Closely:

Watch for signs of severe intoxication, such as extreme lethargy, difficulty breathing, tremors, or seizures. If these symptoms appear, seek emergency veterinary care immediately.

Limit Stimuli:

Reduce exposure to loud noises, bright lights, and other potential stressors. Soft music or white noise might be soothing.

Provide Comfort:

Gentle petting, soft words of reassurance, and a comfortable resting place can help your dog feel more at ease.

Avoid Overhandling:

While it’s essential to comfort and monitor your dog, avoid excessive handling, which could cause stress or anxiety.

Keep Other Pets Away:

If you have other pets, keep them separated during this time to ensure a calm environment.

Document The Event:

Note the time of ingestion, the estimated amount consumed, and any symptoms. This can be helpful information for your vet.

The Importance of Keeping Calm – How To Comfort Your Stoned Dog?

When dogs ingest substances like marijuana, they can become anxious or disoriented, making the owner’s demeanor crucial during such episodes. A calm and gentle approach provides reassurance to a stoned dog, reinforcing safety and security.

Speaking in soft, soothing tones and maintaining a relaxed body language can help alleviate the dog’s distress. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises, and instead, offer gentle petting and comforting words.

Dogs often look to their owners for cues on how to react in unfamiliar situations. By demonstrating calmness, you can help stabilize and comfort your pet during their experience.

The Role of Hydration – Encouraging Your Dog To Drink Water:

Hydration plays a pivotal role in helping dogs recover from accidental ingestion of substances. While marijuana itself isn’t known for causing dehydration, the associated symptoms like panting, increased heart rate, or drooling can lead to fluid loss.

Ensure your dog has easy access to fresh water. If they’re hesitant, you can encourage drinking by offering water through a dropper or syringe (without a needle), or by adding a splash of chicken or beef broth (without onions or garlic) to make it more enticing. However, it’s crucial to ensure the dog is alert enough to drink without the risk of aspiration.

Rest And Recovery – Letting Your Dog Sleep It Off:

After an episode of marijuana ingestion, rest becomes an essential component of recovery. The effects of marijuana can make a dog lethargic or drowsy, and sleep can help the body metabolize and clear the substance more effectively. Designate a quiet, dimly lit space with a comfortable bed or blanket for your dog.

Removing distractions and other pets can help foster a calm environment, allowing your dog to sleep undisturbed. Periodically check on your dog to ensure their breathing is steady and that they’re responsive to gentle stimuli. Remember, while sleep is beneficial, it’s also essential to differentiate between natural sleep and unresponsiveness, which could indicate a more severe issue.

In all situations, if ever in doubt about your dog’s well-being after substance ingestion, consulting with a veterinarian is always the best course of action.

Preventive Measures: How To Keep Marijuana Out Of Your Dog’s Reach?

  • Ensuring that your dog cannot access marijuana is crucial for their safety. Here are some preventive measures:
  • Always store marijuana and marijuana products in airtight containers. Consider using childproof containers or lock boxes.
  • Inform visitors to your home about the risks of marijuana to pets and request that they keep their cannabis products safely stored away.
  • If you use marijuana, ensure that remnants, ashes, or used materials (e.g., rolling papers) are disposed of in a trash can that your dog can’t access.
  • Dogs are often attracted to edible forms of marijuana, such as cookies or brownies. Ensure these are stored out of reach, and be especially cautious if they contain other harmful ingredients like chocolate.
  • If you grow marijuana plants, ensure they are in a location where your dog cannot access them.
  • Basic commands like “leave it” can be invaluable in preventing your dog from consuming harmful substances.

The Long-Term Effects: What Happens If A Dog Frequently Ingests Marijuana?

While occasional accidental ingestion of marijuana may not cause lasting harm to a dog, frequent exposure or ingestion can have detrimental effects:

Behavioral Changes:

Dogs frequently exposed to THC might become lethargic, anxious, or exhibit changes in behavior.


Over time, dogs may develop a tolerance to THC, requiring more of the substance to achieve the same effects, which can increase the risk of severe intoxication.


Though research is limited, there’s a possibility that dogs can become dependent on THC with frequent exposure.

Cognitive Impairment:

Chronic exposure to THC may impact cognitive function, leading to difficulties in learning or memory problems.

Gastrointestinal Issues:

Regular ingestion can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or other digestive problems.

Respiratory Concerns:

If a dog is frequently in an environment with marijuana smoke, they may develop respiratory issues or be at risk for conditions similar to those seen in humans with second-hand smoke exposure.


Getting a dog unstoned at home should be a decision based on the set of circumstances you find yourself in. If you feel safe taking your dog to the vet, that’s always best. If not, then there are many remedies one can explore to help get their pet back to its normal and active self.

From over-the-counter treatments to natural remedies, owners dedicated enough can make an impact even from inside their own homes. Take it one step at a time, and don’t hesitate to consult others more experienced before proceeding with any method, regardless of what it may be.

Delia Mason
I am Delia Mason, the owner of Dogsshelf, and take pride in providing the most comprehensive information possible on dog foods, collars, bowls, and other dog-related items. This website is dedicated to helping dog owners make sound decisions when it comes to their furry friends. That's why I only recommend products that I would use myself and have extensively researched to make sure they're the best of the best.