Dogs have a natural tendency to want to push open doors. This can be very annoying if you’re trying to keep your dog in or out of a room. But there are some things you can do to train your dog and keep them from opening doors. Check out these tips on how to keep your dog from opening doors.

Tips On How To Keep Dog From Opening Door:

Following are  some tips on how to prevent your dog from opening doors:

Install A Door Stop To Prevent Your Dog From Opening The Door:

This is a simple solution that will physically prevent your dog from opening the door. Place the door stop under the handle so they can’t push it open. This can also be helpful for doors that have a gap underneath them.

Teach Them To Sit And Stay Before Opening The Door:

By teaching your dog to sit and stay before you open the door, they will be less likely to try and push it open. This can be done by practicing with treats and praising them when they stay in the sit position while you open the door.

Keep Doors Closed At All Times:

If your dog is constantly pushing open doors, it may be best to keep them closed at all times. This way, your dog won’t have the opportunity to try and push it open. It can also be helpful to use baby proof locks on doors that you want to keep closed.

Use Deterrents Such As A Squirt Bottle Or Noise Maker:

If your dog is persistent in trying to open the door, try using a squirt bottle filled with water or a noise maker to startle them and redirect their attention away from the door. This should only be used as a last resort and consistently reinforcing the other techniques listed above will likely be more effective in preventing your dog from opening the door.

Seek Professional Help From A Trainer If Needed:

If these tips don’t work for your dog, it may be best to seek professional help from a trainer who can work with them on this specific behavior. Doing so can prevent any further issues and ensure that your dog is properly trained.

Train Your Dog Not To Run Out The Door When It’s Open:

In addition to preventing them from opening the door, it’s important to train your dog not to run out the door when it’s open. This can be done by teaching them a solid recall and consistently practicing with distractions, such as someone holding the door open.

Place A Baby Gate In Front Of The Door:

If you have a baby or dog gate, try placing it in front of the door to create an extra barrier for your dog. It will prevent them from being able to push the door open and also serve as a reminder for them not to try.

Hang A Curtain Or Screen In Front Of The Door So The Dog Can’t See Through It:

Another helpful tip is to hang a curtain or screen in front of the door so that your dog can’t see what’s on the other side and be tempted to push it open. 

Put Up A Sign That Says “Do Not Enter”:

If you have visitors coming over, it may be helpful to put up a sign that says “Do Not Enter” so they know not to open the door and let your dog out. It can also serve as a reminder for you and your family members to not leave the door open.

Why Do Dogs Want To Open Doors?

Many dogs have a natural curiosity and want to explore their surroundings. They may also be motivated by the presence of other animals or people on the other side of the door. They may also want to chase after things or just have a natural instinct to push open doors. It will take consistency and training to prevent this behavior.

Additionally, some dogs may have been inadvertently trained to open doors by their owners. For example, if a dog consistently receives attention or treats when they successfully open a door, they may continue to try and do so in the future. This is why it’s important to prevent and redirect this behavior from a young age.

How To Fix This Behavior?

  • Close any doors that you do not want your dog to be able to access. This includes using childproof locks or installing a doggy door for outdoor access.
  • Teach your dog the “leave it” command, and practice this regularly with the door closed. If they try to open the door, redirect their attention and give them a treat for complying with the “leave it” command.
  • Consider using a head halter or body harness, as these can give you more control over your dog’s movements and may prevent them from being able to reach the doorknob.
  • Keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated with plenty of exercise and enrichment activities. This can help redirect their focus away from door-opening behavior.
  • Consult a professional trainer or behaviorist if necessary to address any underlying issues that may be contributing to the door-opening behavior.


Training your dog not to open doors isn’t as daunting of a task as it may seem. With these tips, you and your furry friend can be on your way to better door manners in no time! Just remember to be patient, and consistent, and use lots of treats.

Frequently Asked Questions

What If My Dog Still Tries To Open The Door Even After Training?

If your dog continues to struggle with this behavior, consider seeking help from a professional trainer who can provide more individualized guidance. This habit may also be a sign of boredom or frustration, so make sure you are providing enough mental and physical stimulation for your dog through exercise and playtime.

Can This Training Also WorkFor Other Objects My Dog Likes To Push Or Carry Around, Like Trash Cans?

The same principles of training can definitely be applied to any object that your dog likes to push or carry. Start with the “leave it” command, and then provide positive reinforcement when they comply with your request. Consistency is key for any type of training.

Can’t I Just Tie My Dog Back From The Door Handle Instead?

Using physical restraints like tying your dog back may prevent them from opening the door, but it can also create safety concerns and does not address the root of the behavior. It is better to focus on training and positive reinforcement methods.

Delia Mason
I am Delia Mason, the owner of Dogsshelf, and take pride in providing the most comprehensive information possible on dog foods, collars, bowls, and other dog-related items. This website is dedicated to helping dog owners make sound decisions when it comes to their furry friends. That's why I only recommend products that I would use myself and have extensively researched to make sure they're the best of the best.